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+386 31 658 004


Welcome to our web site

Objavljeno: 14 March, 2024

Welcome to our web site. We greet you also on the net according to your will. Bu we will be short. The web site is only for offer and price information. We meet and see you in nature.

Call us at 00 386 31 658 004 or write us at kontakt@paintball-hrvatini.si


Welcoming autumn discount!

Objavljeno: 14 March, 2024

Do you get thrilled by action? Would you like to enforce the sport and team spirit?

Then try an unforgettable adrenaline experience in pure nature for all generations.

We are welcoming autumn in September with a special offer.

Conditions: The special offer is valid for paintball field booking for groups over 10 persons.

Offer consists of: Paintball field rental for at least 3 hours, gear rental (protective overalls, protective goggles, markers, team marker bands) and 300 paint balls.

Special price: 25€/person

New! Paintball gear and markers also for the youngest

Objavljeno: 14 March, 2024

Paintball is a crazy adventure, which builds up team spirit and develops many different skills.

We gladly inform you that also children and teenagers can now enjoy, have fun and hang out with friends in our paintball field with gear specially adjusted to them.

Our new offers are:

  • Smaller marker guns/markers appropriate for children and teenagers,
  • new paint balls,
  • protective gear,
  • playing under instructor’s control.


Children / Kids (aged 7 – 10) first learn how to shoot in targets then they play a paintball game in the real paintball field with adjusted protective gear. (Read more about children’s paintball).

Teenagers (aged 11-14) play a whole paintball game in the field with adjusted protective gear. (Read more about teenager’s paintball).

Are you looking for an unforgettable child’s birthday party, afternoon gathering, a weekend relax?

Book your ticket today. Call 031 658 004 or write to us through the contact form.