Pokličite nas:
+386 31 658 004

Privacy statement

Privacy statement applies to the websites https://paintball-hrvatini.si with all domains and subdomains included.

General websites information

The owner of the website is a Slovenian company:


Cesta na Markovec 32, KOPER – CAPODISTRIA, 6000 Koper – Capodistria

Tax number: 25861808

VAT number: 3108066000

in the following text as Paintball.

Privacy statement applies to the websites https://paintball-hrvatini.si/ with all domains and subdomains included.

By using this website you agree that Paintball collects, saves and use your information in the way stated in the following privacy statement.
Paintball (in the Slovenian area with the trade mark Paintball Brez Ovir, Paintball Hrvatini informs only about services and prices. We make your first contact with us easier.

What kind of data do we collect?

Personal data collecting

On the website https://paintball-hrvatini.si/. We collect through inquiry and question forms the following personal data:

  • Name and surname
  • E- mail address
  • Phone number (not mandatory)

Collecting technical data

Through the analytic data collecting tools, this is the website usage statistics, on our website https://paintball-hrvatini.si/, we can automatically collect some data about your computer software and hardware. This information includes: the IP address, your browser type, time of visit and website links you visited on our website and similar. This information is used exclusively for website usage statistics of https://paintball-hrvatini.si/ to encounter your needs.


Cookies are special text files, automatically downloaded for your browsers. These files do not include any personal information about your identity. They are exclusively used to recognizing your previous visits of our site. We can use it for higher user quality (the website profile adapts to the visitor).

Default settings of most web browsers enable automatic cookies download to your computer. If you do not allow the automatic download or want a notification warning before the download change your browser privacy settings.

The website downloads automatically the cookies according to the law (Zakonom o elektronski komunikaciji). Read more about cookies and your browser allowance download settings on our website https://paintball-hrvatini.si/. Click here.

Who and how can we access your data

Your personal data collected on our websites are exclusively collected for the purpose of website higher quality and optimal activity or for your needs and services.

By sending your message you agree to these terms:

  • Market research (internal purposes)
  • Keeping you on track with our newest products, services and websites…
  • Your personal data is processed by persons in charge of the actions listed above.


How do we protect your personal data

We commit to save and protect your personal data according to the law Zakon o varstvu zasebnih podatkov in etičnimi načeli. Your data will be processed exclusively for internal purposes and will not be shared without your agreement.

How long do we keep your personal data and how can you demand its removal

Vaše osebne podatke hranimo 10 let.

You can demand its removal from are data base any time. Please contact:


Cesta na Markovec 32, KOPER – CAPODISTRIA, 6000 Koper – Capodistria

TAX number: 25861808

VAT number: 3108066000

E-Mail address: kontakt@paintball-hrvatini.si

Phone: 00386 (0)31 658 004

The statement was last updated on:

18th October 2023

